Heebie Jeebies doesnt even start to describe the effects of this (shiver) fricking creature.
All I can think of, is a next door neighbor I used to have, who was an entomologist (studies insects). He had his entire garage filled with bugs in cages.
Now let me step back a second here.. I have no problems with about 90% of the bugs out in the world. Being originally from Florida I have seen my share.
There are only 2 kinds of bugs which creep me out.
1) the Florida Cockroach (Palmetto Bug)
6'4" of screaming 10 year old girl, when one is near me.
2) ALL OTHER HUGE FREAKY BUGS.. if it is over 1" long and just looks creepy that qualifies.
Ants beetles spiders flies wasps bees.... all fine with me.
I even don't mind mosquitoes, plus I just like typing mosquitoes.
Not often you get to type mosquitoes.
Back to my neighbor... he comes to my front yard, the second time I meet him, holding a frickin 8" walking stick on his arm like the centepeghghghhahhh (shiver) above.
I need to watch the smurfs or something after typing this.
Anyhow, he thought it was funny, seeing the guy twice his size squirm like a little girl at the sight of this prehistoric monster on his arm.
I told him it wasn't funny anymore, and you are about to be pissed off when you have 8" of green guts on your arm if you come closer.
He then wisened up and put the being in its cage.
Then he calls from his garage, hey...wanna see my South American giant cockroach.
About three weeks later he catches me outside, and says
"come on you should see these cockroaches, they are cool.. had them flown in from South America and all" NO NO NO NO
I asked him how much that cost, and it was something like a few hundred dollars that the local college, where he worked, paid for.
I then informed him very politely, that if he ever brought one out near me, I would put insect foggers in his garage and he then could buy the big glass picture frames and pins for all of his newly DEAD bugs.
Bugs in a cage...thats just rediculous.
If you can cage a bug...it is way to fricking big and NO NO NO.
He then got a job in Minnesota 2 months later...THANK GOD!
Officially the creepiest guy I have ever met.
I will eventually have a rant on Cockroaches, since this post itself has me freaked out it will be a few.
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