
Monday, January 11, 2010

Sagging has educated me a bit

Yes I blacked over the cleavage so the youngsters can stay focused.

I was going to do a rant on Sagging/Housing/Gangsta looks...
I ended up getting a small bit of knowledge from the research.

First things first...The style of "housing", or sometimes called
"sagging" originated in prison.
it had nothing to do with was lack of belts
and wrong sized pants. Check on snopes under sagging if
you want to read about it.

The bigger learning curve came from an article about
For those of you who do not know, millennials are the next
generation of X gen, baby boomers etc...

Millennials are labeled the selfish generation...and I
believe rightly so.

I know most everyone is selfish to a point, but they take
it extreme...the pants and gangsta look will be my example
since that was my rant's original plan.

Everything I read was about how the older gen. just does
not understand that Mills. want to express themselves and
not conform.

First off...not a new concept, kids. Kids have been doing
that forever. (the mullet)
Secondly... ok do what you want, but then do not bitch
about the consequences. Or ask the government to fix it
for you.

If you look and dress and talk like a "gangsta" then adults
will treat you as such...meaning you must be a stupid
street thug.
If I dressed in a cowboy/biker/Village people outfit
everyday, guess what...people will think I'm a
cowboy/biker/construction worker or Indian....

I personally am 6' 4" bald with tattoos and earrings...people
assume I am a biker or wrestler. If that upset me...I could
not get tattoos, or take out the earrings or even grow hair...
well not a full head anymore but I could try.
Anyway...the point being if you don't want the stereotype,
then don't wear stereotypical clothes.

Girls...acting like a thug will only attract thugs to you...
no jobs, probably did jail time and will do more jail time.
Sure there are the exceptions...but they were probably
posers, and don't really have a good job.

Guys...acting like a thug will get unwanted attention by
police and dads and any other authorities.
It may be unfair...but oh well, dress the stereotype and
you get stereotyped.

So to you millennials, if you don't like the results then
pull up your pants, or just shut up.

If you thought about what YOU did, instead of how unfair
the world is treating you, then you might just grow up a little.
Take some responsibility for your actions!!!!

I really am nervous about how it will turn out with the new
level of selfishness out there.

Rant over -- Shay

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