Wish I had thought of it...definately right up my alley.
About 3-4 years ago I caught some grief from Mrs. X about not wanting to let our daughter go to a baby shower for one of her 15 year old friends from school. Really!?! celebrating a 15 year old having a baby?!?...great mom she must have. This was the first of 3 in the next 1 1/2 years.
These 16 year olds seem to think it is so cool...let me know what you or your parents think 2 years later, when you are either dealing with that baby or you have made it's granparents raise it.
Babies are not "trendy" they are human lives. QUIT BEING STUPID!!!!
While you are at it...pull up your pants, stop throwing wannabe gang signs, turn your hat straight and stop the duckface!
It must just be a sign that I am getting old...don't old people bitch about the newer generation all the time? ....SIGH....
Yep. The beginning of the end is when you realize you've turned into your parents. ;)