
Thursday, February 4, 2010


So saddish, face mangling that has gone baddish. She will always look maddish.

No, seriously, WTF?!?!?!?!

When these people look in the mirror, do they think to themselves "hmmm, I think the lip rings are not enough...I will shave my eyebrows and pencil them in like I am some kind of live anime person. Ahhh there, now I look HOT! " The princess crown just completes the look.

I get it, that they want attention, but wow! lets try to get attention by not looking like a complete freak.


  1. You horrible man! How can you be so cruel, she has feelings like anybody else! LOL! Just kidding; seriously, anyone who dresses like that, is asking for all sorts of comments including reference to evolutionary status

  2. I guessing there's not much she could do to look 'good' and so she just took it to the other extreme.

  3. We can only hope she sterilises her uterius with heaps of emo drugs and thus stops the cycle of shyte
