
Thursday, September 16, 2010


OK so this will be a weird post...but it is my blog so if you don't like it...well you know.

I realized today, while taking a shower, a very strange thing I have done since...forever.  Get your minds out of the gutters and stay with me here.
Depending on which bar of soap I use...and I always have used bars because I hate body wash, as I believe a lot of guys do...I sing the stupid commercial in my head or out loud.  Every Time!
When I was a kid I would always smell the Coast soap and say "eye opening" 
Then I used Irish Spring for 20+ years and would do the whole "Clean as a Whistle" and sometimes even whistle.
For the last two months I decided to switch to Zest...and now I am "Zestfully clean" with every single shower...this one is in my head though never said it out loud...but I do it every time.

Seems the soap marketers of the old days, knew what the heck they were doing with the jingles they wrote.
30 years later I am still singing the stupid jingles in my head.
Maybe it is just me, I will never know because people like to look at me like I am an idiot before they admit something they might think the masses think is strange.  But hey! that is who I I wrote in my profile.

At the least, I hope any of you who read this and didn't used to sing before....start now, then my work is going well.


  1. Man you need to lay off the crack

  2. Wow, that is the best you can say...lay off the crack???
    And you post Anonymous, even though I have a pretty good idea who you least have the nads to log in.

    I suppose the intelligence level of the comment can also show the intelligence level of the commenter...pretty acurately as well.

    I share my deepest, innermost, feelings and you say "crack" now I have to go cry for a few days...I am so hurt and now because of your single post, I suppose I have to change the layout and style of my whole blog...sniff sniff.

    Why do I even try....sniff...I think I will become EMO now...goodbye cruel world.


  3. As you misspell accurately.. atta boy

  4. Ok, I just found this site, but this made me smile. I sing the dang jingles too.
