
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Parents had it tough

That is just one of a million things our kids can't even fathom.
Home computers did not even exist.  Video games.....nope
Cell phones...HA! our phones were attached to the wall.
When we were not home...we did not get calls, and there was this thing called a busy signal.
THREE channels on our black and white 13" TV with no remote and bunny ears.... THAT'S IT!
When we finally got cable, I was 14...then there was like 35 channels...woooooo
MTV was Music Television....and they played music videos.
Oh yeah only 1 MTV, only 1 HBO etc... No VH1 or Showtime or 485 of the other channels.
Could go on forever with the list.

How did we ever survive.

We actually went outside during our kids remember what outside looks like??

1 comment:

  1. We rode bikes without helmets.

    Played on swings, slides and monkey-bars on gravel playgrounds.

    Played with life-like toy guns without getting shot by police. Probably because we weren't ignorant enough to point them at the police.

    Had to read maps and/or stop to ask directions to get where we were going. (you know, personal interaction)

    And on and on and.....
