
Thursday, June 3, 2010

The crackle

WARNING: this is almost worse than hearing the MahnaMahna song and trying to get it our of your you are probably doing right now.

You are now aware that every time you swallow you hear a little crackling sound in your ears.

Your welcome!
MahnaMahna...doo doo do do doooo....MahnaMahna


  1. First of all; the new header with the smoking Cat is funny. Secondly; I did not know what you were referring to when you said the mahna mahna song, so I Googled it. Then I realized if I hear that tune it may in fact get stuck in my head, but I forged on anyways. Turns out I actually like that tune and it's been stuck in my head for years. I'm ok with it, I even hum it from time to time, because it's not a serious tune , its a comical little ditty. "Final Countdown" stuck in your head is wrong, because that tune sucks. If you ever have any tune stuck in your head, "Los Cucarachas" makes for an excellant mind music bleach.

  2. What is even better is to watch the Mahna Mahna song done by the muppets.

    Thank you for the feedback on the new Sarcasticat..I like him a lot.

  3. I must be out of touch. And probably very lucky. I have no idea what the Mahna Mahna song is. And no, I will not be Googling it. That would just be asking for (more) trouble. heh

    As for the swallowing thing. Yeah, thanks!
