
Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Genie Joke

I know these jokes get corny but it has to be told so people can understand the reference in later posts.

A guy in Califonia is walking down the beach and finds a bottle...he rubs and a genie pops out.

The genie says "I am tired so you only get one wish...make it count"

The guy tells the genie "I have always wanted to go to Hawaii but I hate boats, and I am terrified of planes. Could you please build a bridge from California to Hawaii so I could drive there?"

The genie then lets out a long drawn out sigh "are you kidding me?!?! That is a lot of work...all of the engineering involved...finding all of the materials...not to mention how deep the Pacific is...etc..." The genie sighs again and says "no, you need to come up with a different wish"

So the guy thinks long and hard for a while, then says "I got it!...make me understand women!"

The genie says "Do you want Two lanes or Four?"

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