
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comb Overs

This could almost classify as a WTF... But, since I am bald, as you can see in my Avatar, which btw, looks alot like me, I have a bit to say.

Time for a short rant.
First things first... Same guy all three pics...I blurred the face, just in case.
I have a few questions for the comb over groups out there.
1) Who do you think you are fooling? Do you really think that anyone else looks at that and says..."hmm nice hair, good thing he isn't going bald"? which leads me to questions 2 and 3
2) Do you own a mirror? Can you really not see how ridiculous that looks?
3) Do you really think that makes you look younger?


irritates me a little....if you didn't notice

1 comment:

  1. That looked like too much work for too little coverage. When I was in high school the janitor used to take shoe polish and paint his hair on with a part, I wish we had camera phones back then.
