
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


At least Wormser KNEW he was a nerd.
I have never listened to a single song by this guy, and don't think I ever will.  He may be an amazing artist, and more power to him if he is.
But, I still want to punch him in the face...I saw a brief video of his while I was surfing for blog material, and all I could think is how bad I wanted to hit him.
You are a nerdy little white boy...quit acting like you are "with it" and just embrace your nerdness and work with it.
Just because you pay cool stars to be with you on stage does not make you cool.

Also...why is it ok for women of all ages to go nuts about him...If men went just as nuts about Brittney, when she was 15, we would have been considered Pedos?? double standards.

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